Chicago Parks Foundation

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Look Who’s Pitching In: Dinsmore & Shohl!

In our LOOK WHO’S PITCHING IN story series, the Chicago Parks Foundation will introduce you to the volunteers who are making the 2021 season of Pitch In for the Parks + Green Teams citywide park clean-ups possible. Today, we meet Dinsmore & Shohl!

DINSMORE & SHOHL joined us for a Green Teams clean-up on July 7th at Humboldt Park.

Who is Dinsmore & Shohl?

Dinsmore is a full service, national law firm with offices coast to coast. Our clients range from individuals, small businesses, and start-ups, all the way through multinational corporations, conglomerates, and governmental entities. Regardless of the size, Dinsmore strives to be efficient and cost-effective in offering comprehensive solutions for clients.

How did your organization hear about CPF and the Green Team program?

Our Chicago office organized a Community Service Committee to seek out ways to give back to the city. One of our ideas was a partnership to clean up our green spaces, and your organization seemed like the perfect fit.

Why is volunteering for the parks important to your organization?

Most of us live in the city and adore our neighborhood parks. Doing our part to make it enjoyable for everyone was a no brainer.

How does your organization’s mission relate to the work you’re doing with CPF?

CPF was efficient and easy to work with, which should be the goal of any large firm. Our office’s emphasis on giving back was complimented by CPF’s ability to empower us to do so. More generally, diversity, equity, inclusion and community service are fundamental to Dinsmore. Our investment in equity fuels our commitment to community service. Dinsmore attorneys and staff all contribute regularly to the betterment of their communities through volunteer opportunities, and attorneys also apportion many hours per year to both pro bono legal work and community service projects that help underserved populations.

Thank you for pitching in, Dinsmore & Shohl!


Help us cover as much park ground as possible this season. The Chicago Parks Foundation’s citywide Pitch In for the Parks volunteer effort equips volunteer with the supplies and support you need to make an impact across our city’s 600+ parks!

Anyone can host a Pitch In clean-up group (free supplies delivered to you) or join a free volunteer event on our calendar. Or schedule a personalized volunteer event for your coworkers with our Green Teams corporate clean-up program. Both programs run June through October 2021.

You can also join us with a gift or become a Chicago Parks Foundation Member! Your support helps make vital park programming like Pitch In for the Parks possible. When you invest in the parks, you invest in the communities who love and depend on them!